When you are just starting out in CrossFit or if you've been doing it for less then a year, here are some gear ideas that will help you get the most of your workouts. After going to the gym you will pick up on most of these things, but here is a jump start to get you going in the right direction so you are ready to go on day one. I'll touch on the basics of the types of gear you need and as you get more involved and experienced you can dive in a little deeper.
Here's my list below, but before anything you need to bring a good attitude. Most of the lifts are complicated and the WODs are tough. I'm learning everyday but I like the challenge. Strive to get a little better each day. Form is the most important, focus on having great form before you go up in weight.
I really believe in the CrossFit Shoes. I think they give you a true advantage. You can't wear any old shoe when you are performing the CrossFit movements especially on the rope climb. The CrossFit Nano 2.0 or even better the
CrossFit Nano 3.0 will definitely give you an advantage coming out of the starting gates. This video below features Rich Froning, the three-time Fittest Man on Earth, further speaking to the benefits and features of the Reebok Nano 3.0.
All jump ropes are not the same. Having a good jump rope will make things a lot easier for you. While in CrossFit you will see DU (Double Unders) pop up fairly often in your WODS, DU are a great movement/skill and will take some time to perfect if you don't have them down but having the correct rope will definitely get you there faster.
Double Under Problem Solved. Built with a six inch, rotating handle for sure grip, the Rogue SR-1 is capable of unbeatable speed. The bearing system allows for top-end revolutions and the coated cable adds speed and durability. It's built to last, the only thing that will break are your records. I Highly recommend this rope for any beginners. This rope is exactly what you are looking for.
There's no doubt you will be doing many pull-ups, Id say you may do more pull-ups then anything. With that being said your hands will take a beating. Chalk and Hand Grips will become your best friend. Although I own a pair I don't use them every time the WOD calls for pull-ups but they are nice to have when your hands need a break from the bar.
The perfect training aid to get through high rep WODs without tearing your hands. Use these for pull-ups, toes to bar, and any other movement that taxes your hands.
#4 Wrist Straps
Rogue Wrist Wraps offer the perfect amount of support for the Oly lifts, press and bench.
Sizing suggestions: Oly lifting 12" or 18" if you want your wrists to be mobile. Power lifting or strongman 18" or 24". The longer the strap the more support it provides. I use these pretty often, I feel you get great support when you are trying to go up in weight. These work great for overhead squat and I feel I get great support. These are definitely a must. You will be happy you bought them.
You need something to track your progress. Every time you do a lift or WOD you should be recording your weight and time. Some gyms for example have an app where you can log in everything after the workout, at Grandview we use a program called Wodify. It works perfect with my iPhone and Ipad. Its great because you can see the workout prior to going to the gym and it will keep track of all your past workouts. This is a great way to see if you are getting better. The only way to move forward and keep advancing is to know where you started and what you lifted previously. If your gym doesn't have an app available then you need to keep track of everything yourself in a log book.
Protect your shins. I use these every time we have a rope climbing session. You need some protection when you are going up and down the rope as fast as possible. I own both Shin Skins and high socks. I think they are both comfortable, I like wearing high socks even when they aren't called for.
Rope climbs, dead lifts, cleans and snatches can be hard on your shins (so hard that some athletes develop staph infections). Built with UV protective 3mm of hi-tech neoprene and breathable 10-24 Lycra, Shin Skins protect and serve. They’re light-weight and slightly compressive, yet offer the ultimate in protection.
Rope climbs
Cleans and snatches
Box Jumps
If your calves are 15" or smaller use the S/M size
If your calves are 15" or larger use the L/XL size