Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Reebok Custom Kicks

I've always liked Reebok shoes, I think they are more comfortable then other brands and honestly my training is more effective when I'm wearing them. Reebok made a great decision when they partnered with CrossFit. I own a couple pairs of CrossFit shooes, which are very useful during my workouts. I highly recommend getting a pair if you are interested in training, especially CrossFit training. It's not just any normal shoe. Reebok has many other shoes on the market as well. The Zigs (Zig Technology) are another hot item from Reebok check out the details below. 

40% Off Kids ZigSlash custom shoes + free shipping
40% Off Men's ZigSlash custom shoes + free shipping

Reebok ZigSlash Custom Basketball Shoes

Now on shop.reebok.com, the ZigSlash is up for customization. A hot seller this year, the ZigSlash brings Reebok’s Zig technology to a new level with a stylish performance upper for a court ready performance basketball shoe. On top of this, if you enter the promo codeSLASH40 at checkout, you get 40% off of this custom shoe ONLY. Reebok’s promotion codes do not typically apply to custom kicks so make sure you take advantage of this rare offer, running now through the end of the year in both Men’s and Kid’s sizes. With lots of colors to choose from, you’ll be sure to have the most original kicks on the court. Head toshop.reebok.com and make the ZigSlash your own!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Personal Training

Personal Training I believe is one of the greatest professions. You get to help people reach their fitness goals as well as push them to limits that they never thought were possible. As a certified personal trainer you get to live an active healthy lifestyle and pass along great training information to better people lives. I say personal trainer but I really believe it should be called a personal training coach. I coached for 2 years at Virginia Commonwealth University and those were 2 of the best years of my life. I really enjoy helping athletes become the best they can be. Its very rewarding and motivating to watch a player progress throughout their career. I see a lot of the same similarities in personal training careers. Everyday you think of ways to make your client better and you can see them progress along the way. With that being said not everyone can become a personal trainer, you need to learn all the proper techniques regarding weight training as well as become certified from a reputable organization. Having a good certification and truly understanding weight training will put you in a position to properly train your clients. Your reputation will be based on how you interact with clients and your overall knowledge of fitness. Furthermore, I can't stress enough you need to be constantly learning and growing as a personal trainer in order to stay at the top of your game. Practice and perfect all of the lifting techniques. When you know how to do them its a lot easier to teach.

So you want to get certified and become a personal trainer? Visit this site and learn about the top personal training certifications Best Personal Trainer Certification Guide
This is a great site and it will arm you with all the information you need. Highly recommended.

Today's fitness trainer is more than a designer of programs, he/she is an educator, providing instruction in many facets of fitness, from correct exercise technique to equipment and apparel selection. (bodybuilding.com)

DC- Training

"Don't Cheat Yourself" Be the best you can be. Take your training to the next level and get the best personal training certification around. 


Personal trainers are not just for stars and athletes. Every single person can benefit from working with a trainer. Personal training is truly an investment in one’s own health and well-being. Let’s take a look at the reasons why all people, including myself, achieve more working with a personal trainer.

Chicago Fitness

Here is some very solid information regarding personal training and a personal training career. 
After reading this you should be able to make a very good decision on deciding whether a personal training career is for you. 

ACCOUNTABILITY & MOTIVATION- Trainers are experts at holding you accountable. You have a set, paid appointment. Your trainer will be there waiting for you with a smile on his/her face each and every time you show up. They help you to not only develop your own personalized goals but to also develop a realistic and achievable plan to attain these goals. Trainers have the ability to believe in you even when you are feeling at your lowest and don’t believe in yourself. “CAN’T” is not in a trainer’s vocabulary.

DEVELOP A ROUTINE- Sure, it’s easy to get to the gym and hop on the elliptical, but then what? Trainers are educated on the most effective ways to help you get to your fitness goals. They will work with you to develop a routine that makes since and is realistic for you. If you haven’t worked out in months and are just returning to the gym, a trainer will not expect you to begin a fitness regimen consisting of 60 minute routines 5 days a week. A trainer will help you to figure out what makes since in your life that will maximize your time in the gym but not overwhelm you. They will work with you to develop an exercise routine that takes you on the path to achieving your personal goals. All along the way holding you accountable and providing motivation!

FRESH NEW PERSPECTIVES & IDEAS ON HEALTH, NUTRITION, AND FITNESS- There is an overwhelming amount of fitness, nutrition, and health information available. It is impossible for the average person to have time to sift through this information for what is most valid, accurate and up to date. It is the job of the trainer to stay on top of health trends and continue their education in order to provide you with the safest and most accurate information in the industry. Is that new fad diet really effective? Will I really get a bikini body by doing that popular workout? Is it true what I read in this fitness magazine? These are just some of the questions trainers deal with on a daily basis. Trainers are able to use their education, knowledge and experience to provide you with tips and tricks to help you develop a healthier lifestyle. We are constantly sharing recipes and ways to contend with obstacles in your nutrition such as “candy in the office”, or how to manage menu’s when dining out with friends. Often trainers are the first to say, “Hey, you’ve been complaining about this for a little bit. Maybe you should go see a doctor, massage therapist, nutritionist, etc.” We see you on a regular basis and are able to recognize if something is different or just not right and are happy to point it out and refer you to the appropriate expert. We care about your health and well-being! And we will hold you accountable to taking care of yourself nutritionally, physically, and with your overall health!

SOLID, CONSISTENT, NON-JUDGMENTAL SUPPORT- Not everyone has your best interest in mind. Your trainer, though, only cares about you and your success. Your trainer will be there. Each hour you spend with your trainer is an hour to focus on you and only you! They will provide consistent feedback to help you better yourself and achieve your goals. Most importantly, the trainer is able to do this without making you feel inadequate or judged. We have all gone into the gym and worried about what we look like doing an exercise or compared ourselves to someone else. Trainers don’t judge or derogate. They help you to see all of your successes, big and small, even when you can’t see them yourself. Through this support, trainers will hold you accountable and motivate you, despite your feelings about yourself!

PROPER TECHNIQUE & FORM- Watching all the you tube videos in the world and reading all the fitness magazines, does not substitute having a person by your side providing you immediate feedback on form and technique. It is very easy to hurt yourself in the gym. Trainers pay attention, cue both your mind and your body and help you achieve your goals more quickly by making sure you are doing each exercise correctly. They can help you develop better running form, improve your posture, and increase your strength by teaching you to recruit the proper muscles and making a mind body connection. With each exercise trainers will hold you accountable to proper form and technique preventing injury!

INJURY PREVENTION and/or INJURY REHAB- Often people shy away from equipment in the gym because they are afraid of hurting themselves. Likewise, one may stop attending the gym due to an injury. Trainers will teach you how to use equipment properly so that you do not injure yourself. Trainers will also work with you to prevent injuries in everyday life by helping you increase your balance, flexibility, and core strength. They are able to focus on specific exercises that will benefit you based on your activities of daily living. And in the chance that you have suffered an injury, trainers are able to work with you to safely exercise, keep your range of motion, and get your strength back. Just recently, I broke my leg. My trainer did not let me stop working out. After communicating with my physical therapist, we were able to develop a plan for me to keep up my upper body strength and begin rehab on my leg. A personal trainer will not let you use an injury as an excuse to not workout!!

SPORTS SPECIFIC TRAINING- Are you an athlete? Even a recreational athlete can get better at their sport. Trainers have studied body patterns and movements. They know the best exercises to help you develop strength, endurance, speed, and agility for your sport. A trainer will know if you have been keeping up your routine through your performance and will hold you accountable to the sports specific exercises in your program!

MAXIMIZE WORKOUT/MINIMIZE TIME- You will burn more calories in less time when working with a trainer. A trainer develops a program that is efficient and allows you to get the most in, in the shortest amount of time. Time does not need to be lost at the gym. If you are finding it hard to find time to workout, not only will a trainer help you to get the most out of your work out, but they will teach you how you can do that on your own. Each week trainers will follow up to see if you achieved our workout goals for the week, holding you accountable to exercise on your own time and make tweaks to the program to help you be successful!

PERSONALIZED PROGRAM- Personal training is just that, PERSONAL! A trainer will develop a program that is specific to you and your goals. If you have an injury, if you want to climb a mountain, if you want lose weight to become pregnant, have lower back pain… The program will be specific to you and only you! A program your trainer takes the time to develop and teach to you. You know they are going to hold you accountable to achieving the goals of that program!

RELATIONSHIP BUILDING- Some of my favorite time during the week is with my clients. You develop a relationship with your trainer like no other. Your relationship is very personal. There are not very many people whom you share your goals so specifically, who in turn will work so diligently to help you achieve them. Often that hour (or two, or three) a week you spend with your trainer, is the only time in your week that is truly devoted to you, your goals, and your successes. I have had sessions in which my client is angry and just wants to workout. There is no talking for the hour. I have had sessions with clients who have recently lost a loved one and their hour with me is their time to escape. I also have sessions with clients where they are so excited to share with me their personal successes and how what we are doing in training is translating into their life outside the gym. Often times intimate details of life are shared in sessions and I am so grateful that people trust me enough to allow me these details. It is these personal relationships and the intimate knowledge of who you are that helps the trainer work specifically with you and to hold you accountable to your goals! (http://www.healthworksfitness.com/3129-2/)

Paleo Lifestyle

Paleo DietI want to look great and be in great shape. What am I supposed to do? Well, here it is "Paleo". Ths isn't some fad diet..... this is a way of life. This is a healthy way to eat that will help you reach your goals. If you are already working out hard or even if you are making a lifestyle change and are becoming more active, The Paleo Diet is what you want to focus on. Now, I don't even like calling this a diet because it's a way of life. Moreover, this is a healthy productive lifestyle that you can adapt for the rest of your life. You will be putting foods in your body that will benefiting every part of your being and giving you the energy to reach goals you never thought we're possible. However, I must say that it isn't easy or everyone would be in great shape but you can progress daily and strive to be perfect. Remember NO ONE is perfect but that doesn't mean you don't strive to be. Furthermore, at my CrossFit gym where many top athletes train , they highly recommend adapting the Paleo diet. CrossFit pushes you to your limit and you need to have the proper nutrients in your body to compete at the highest level. Paleo helps you do that. So what exactly is the Paleo Diet? Well, you came to the right place.

CLICK HERE: Paleo Lifestyle
The Paleo Diet is also known by other names, such as the Paleolithic diet, the Stone Age diet or the caveman diet. There are actually slight variations among versions of the Paleo diet, so chances are you won’t find the same exact recommendations in every book or website talking about the diet. The basics of the Paleo diet, however, are always the same – and these are the things you need to learn about.

What Exactly Is The Paleo Diet Plan

The Paleo diet is a nutritional plan and weight loss diet that mimics the diet of our ancestors – specifically, those living back in the Paleolithic era. Back then, agriculture hadn’t been developed yet, which means the Paleo diet is a grain-free diet.

Technically, the Paleo diet is a low-carb diet, since no carbohydrates or sugars are allowed. However, this is not the goal of the diet — and you can easily modify the diet to increase the amount of carbs you consume. How? By adding more root vegetables, fruits and vegetables.

CrossFit and the Paleo Diet go hand and hand. It's a match made in heaven. This breakdown will help you determine how exactly you need to break down protein, Carbs, fats and calories.

The CrossFit dietary prescription is as follows:
Protein should be lean and varied and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.
Carbohydrates should be predominantly low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total caloric load.
Fat should be predominantly monounsaturated and account for about 30% of your total caloric load.
Calories should be set at between .7 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass depending on your activity level. The .7 figure is for moderate daily workout loads and the 1.0 figure is for the hardcore athlete. (CrossFit)

What Should I Eat?

In plain language, base your diet on garden vegetables, especially greens, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little starch, and no sugar. That's about as simple as we can get. Many have observed that keeping your grocery cart to the perimeter of the grocery store while avoiding the aisles is a great way to protect your health. Food is perishable. The stuff with long shelf life is all suspect. If you follow these simple guidelines you will benefit from nearly all that can be achieved through nutrition. (CrossFit.com)

Below I found some great information on the Paleo Lifestyle comparing it to other diets. Click here to read more on PALEO. 

Paleo vs. Other Diets

The Paleo diet is closer to low-carb diets than any other types of diets. However, there are also many – and significant – differences between eating a Paleo diet and following a different type of low-carb diet. The main one? Many low-carb diets advocate the purchase of certain processed foods to substitute the ones you’re leaving behind. The Paleo diet, on the other hand, is all about going back “to the origins.”

One good example of the benefits of the Paleo diet is a 2007 study published in the “Diabetology” journal. In the study, researchers looked at how two popular diets (the Paleo diet and the Mediterranean diet) affected 29 patients who suffered from both heart disease and high blood sugar. Some of the patients had type 2 diabetes, while others had glucose intolerance but not full-blown diabetes. After 12 weeks, the patients who were ordered to follow the Paleo diet had significantly improved their glucose tolerance, while the people following the Mediterranean diet had poorer or no results. According to the researchers, these results happened independently of whether the patients lost weight – a testimony to the health benefits of the Paleo diet.

MEAL RECOMMENDATIONS! Great for the mornings or a snack!

*ALMOST OATMEAL (paleoplan.com)
1-1/2 cups unsweetened applesauce
4 Tbs raw, chunky almond butter
2-3 Tbs raw, unsweetened canned coconut milk
cinnamon to taste
dash of fresh grated nutmeg (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a small pan over medium heat, stirring often until all is thoroughly combined and warm.
Add fresh or dried fruits and/or nuts for additional texture and flavor.

*Omelet Muffins (paleoplan.com)
coconut oil or paper muffin liners
8 eggs
1/8 cup water
1/2 lb chicken, ham, or sausage, cooked and cut or crumbled into small pieces
2 cups diced vegetables (1 red bell pepper, 1/4 lb asparagus or broccoli and 1/2 yellow onion recommended, but use whatever is on hand)
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground pepper

Preheat oven to 350℉.
Grease 8 muffin cups with coconut oil or line with paper baking cups. Fill any remaining muffin cups with 1" of water, so they do not scorch while baking.
Beat the eggs in a medium bowl and add meat, vegetables, salt, ground pepper, and any other ingredients you wish to add.
Pour mixture into the muffin cups.
Bake for 18-20 minutes.

*Banana Almond Pancakes (paleoplan.com)
2 bananas
2 egg
1 Tbs coconut flour
1-2 Tbs almond butter
fresh or frozen blueberries
1/4 cup nuts of choice (walnuts, macadamia, almonds are good), chopped
1 tsp. coconut oil
Dash of sea salt (optional)

Mash bananas in a bowl.
Add the eggs, coconut flour, almond butter, blueberries, and nuts and salt, and whisk until well
Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat along with a small pat of coconut oil.
Pour small discs of batter onto the hot pan (around 3-4" around). They'll be easier to flip if you keep them from the edges of the pan.
Flip when batter loses its "tackiness" around the edges.
Cook other side slowly over medium heat until fully cooked.
Reapply oil to the pan after each round of pancakes.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Biking #mountain #road #everywhere

Challenge yourself, get out and bike! Cycling is a great way to amp up your leg strength and will also push your cardiovascular limits. Not to mention it's very enjoyable, especially if you don't cycle that often. Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a workout. You will breathe deeper, perspire and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level. 

This is a great site about cycling check this out http://www.bike360.co.uk/

#KeyWest #GreatWeather #GetActive
Just biked to the Southernmost Point (90 miles from Cuba) Everyone in KeyWest is either running, walking or on a bike....you have to take advantage of the great weather while you can. Not to mention taking a bike is better for the environment.
Twenty bicycles can be parked in the same space as one car. It takes around five percent of the materials and energy used to make a car to build a bike, and a bike produces zero pollution.
Bikes are efficient, too – you travel around three times as fast as walking for the same amount of energy and, taking into account the ‘fuel’ you put in your ‘engine’, you do the equivalent of 2,924 miles to the gallon. You have your weight ratio to thank: you’re about six times heavier than your bike, but a car is 20 times heavier than you (Bike Radar)

I found some great information from Stanford University. Check it out below, you'll be happy you read it…...Who doesn't want to look younger and healthier?! Exercise brings nutrients to your skin, not only that but you feel refreshed and recharged after a great workout. Here is the excerpt I found regarding cycling.
Scientists at Stanford University have found that cycling regularly can protect your skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and reduce the signs of ageing. Harley Street dermatologist Dr Christopher Rowland Payne explains: “Increased circulation through exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to skin cells more effectively, while flushing harmful toxins out. Exercise also creates an ideal environment within the body to optimise collagen production, helping reduce the appearance of wrinkles and speed up the healing process.” Don’t forget to slap on the factor 30 before you head out, though.

I own a mountain bike and a road bike. The good things is you can get a great workout on either one. Riding trails on the mountain bike is a great leg and arm workout. I can't wait to get out West and ride. Some of the trails there are amazing. The road bike is great because its you against the road! There's nothing better then going on a long ride pushing yourself and checking out the scenery while you are at it. You can ride as long as you can, like I said its you against the road.

Get out and bike as much as possible! Check out these stats.
 King’s College London compared over 2,400 identical twins and found those who did the equivalent of just three 45-minute rides a week were nine years ‘biologically younger’ even after discounting other influences, such as body mass index (BMI) and smoking.“Those who exercise regularly are at significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, all types of cancer, high blood pressure and obesity,” says Dr Lynn Cherkas, who conducted the research. “The body becomes much more efficient at defending itself and regenerating new cells.”

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! Run Eat Sleep

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Got a 4 miler in this am, before the onslaught of food. It was cold out but it felt refreshing! We ran through Glacier Ridge Metro park, the trails were awesome and not to mention it was inspiring running by 500K houses....Ill definitely do this every year. Great event for families or anyone willing to do something active on Thanksgiving morning.

M3S Sports has partnered with The City of Dublin, Columbus Metro Parks, Giant Eagle, Keller Williams, EPPA Red Sangria, Glazers and Fleet Feet Sports to produce the Seventh Annual Flying Feather Four Miler and Kids' Gobbler Chase to Celebrate the Active, Healthy Lifestyle and support a great cause: the 2nd & 7 Foundation.

"People tend to save themselves for the big dinner that's coming up so they'll skip breakfast or lunch," says certified nutrition therapist Jen Marshall. "I would disagree with that. The healthy way is to have normal breakfast and maybe a normal workout early in the day."
"If you have a regular breakfast, you are stabilizing your blood sugar, and when you finally do get to that meal, you are more likely to have an appropriate-sized meal," Marshall says. "It's the overeating that tends to make people feel sick at the end of the day."

"Exercising before the big meal is much better," Marshall says. "That will rev-up your metabolism and help you burn calories all day long."

Tips & Pearls:
Most people operate under the assumption that the more they run, the more weight they'll lose. That's true, but only to a point. Running is an incredibly effective and efficient form of exercise for burning calories. (You burn about 8.5 calories a minute when moving at a comfortable pace.)

Problem is, the more miles you log, the more efficient your body becomes at running and the fewer calories it burns, says Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., fitness research director at Quincy College in Massachusetts.
SNEAK IN SOME SPEED: If you work out, you've probably heard of intervals—short bursts of intense exercise with periods of recovery in between. Here's why they work: When you chug along at a comfortable pace (as most people do), your body gets energy easily from the oxygen you inhale. But once you switch into high gear, your muscles start working harder to process that O2, so they expend extra energy recruiting other chemicals in the body (adenosine-triphosphate and phosphocreatine, in case you're interested) to get the job done. "Your body likes to be on cruise control, because that's where it's most gas efficient," explains Westcott. "But when you push on the gas pedal, as you do in intervals, your body becomes less efficient and has to burn more calories to do the activity." (Active.com)

And these quick-but-killer efforts may be the closest thing you'll find to a magic calorie-burningbullet. You not only log less sweat time (which is kinder to your body) but also continue to incinerate calories at an increased rate even during the walking or jogging recovery periods, says Westcott. (Active.com)

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
-John Wooden, UCLA basketball

"The biggest mistake an athlete can make is to be afraid of making one."
-L. Ron Hubbard, author

"If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done much today."
-Wid Matthews, Chicago Cubs

"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success."
-Dr. Joyce Brothers

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Need for Speed - Central Ohio

Speed is king. If you can run you will get noticed. If you want to work on one thing then work on your speed. For example, In baseball scouts say if a prospect can run and throw then we can teach them to hit. Yes some people are blessed and have god given speed but the good thing for everyone else is, if you work on your running you will get faster. Speed never slumps!! A great team or star player can go through a slump and not be able to hit or pitch very well for an extended period of time, but speed is something that remains with a player no matter what. It can turn an out into a single, a single into a double and can steal a run from the opponent (Bleacher Report). I wasn't the fastest kid growing up but I definitely had the quickness, which gave me an advantage and made me appear faster. I had to flat out work on my running/speed and I did progress as I got older. I developed a love for running and truly enjoy getting out and pushing myself. I think athletes with great speed are amazing to watch, there are plenty of them in the NFL and MLB so just turn on the TV and enjoy….or flip on one of my favorite films Top Gun.

"The Need for Speed"

In most sports it’s pretty common to hear about the importance of speed. In specific, running speed (how fast someone can run) has garnered a wide range of respect among sports performance coaches because it’s pretty common to see faster athletes’ excelling in sports. Look at any major high school or collegiate sports program. What is the major difference between the top schools and the mid-level schools? It’s SPEED! When athletes can run and execute sport skill with more speed, they’ll outperform athletes who move slower, in most cases (key 2 sport & fitness).


I grew up in Dublin, OH and went on to play baseball at Indiana University. Check out my friends over at Fitness Planning Consultants, the leading provider of speed training and sports conditioning in Central Ohio. I would highly recommend visiting their website below:

Speed is the name of the game. Whether it’s football, basketball, lacrosse or soccer, speed separates a tier one athlete from a tier two athlete. For 15 years Fitness Planning Consultants has trained Central Ohio athletes to compete at higher levels. If you’re looking for that starting spot on varsity or a college scholarship, we are here to help you attain your goals.

Human Kinetics state that, "Some coaches believe that because the technique between track sprinting and sprinting in field and court Sports is different, field and court sport athletes should not be coached on sprinting technique and should just play their sport. This neglects the obvious fact that field and courtSports are running Sports and that speed is a major component of superior performance in a large number of these. To enhance their athletes’ performance, coaches should aim to improve their ability to run at speed, or to sprint, and to develop this ability within the context of their sport.

Although certain technical variations may exist because of the different demands of track versus field and court Sports, several of the fundamental principles of sprinting are common between them. Considering that field and court athletes sprint as part of their sport and that better performers in most field and court Sports are faster sprinters (Baker 1999), improving the technical and physical components of sprinting is important within the context of their sport and can give the athletes an advantage over their opponents. Consequently, although many track drills are not suitable for field sport athletes, some common drills and techniques are useful to both the track sprint coach and the Strength and Conditioning coach working with field and court athletes. "


Friday, November 15, 2013

Tribute to Veterans

I want to thank all Veterans for their service and all they have done for our country. They are the real hero's. Everyone knows someone or has a family member past or present that has served for our Nation. I have a lot of friends that have served, past teammates  “There is no greater sacrifice than putting your life on the line for your country,” said Steelers President Art Rooney II. “The men and women of our military that do that have my highest respect and regard. I know the entire organization feels the same way.” Athletics is a game, playing sports seems like the most important thing in the world at times but you have to put things in perspective. The military personnel and what they do on a daily basis, gives us the opportunity to carry out our dreams on the field. I hold a great appreciation for that. CrossFit is also a big supporter of our Veterans. There are numerous amounts of WODs dedicated to our Veterans. Theres nothing better than busting your butt in honor of our troops. Many of the Vets belong to Crossfit Gyms and to note the Military uses CrossFit workouts in their training regimen.

Here is some information from an article written by, Christopher Prawdzik. Created in the mid-1990s, CrossFit is a branded fitness program that is “broad, general and inclusive” including a whole host of exercises and workouts. It’s been a staple of fitness fans and professionals whose everyday occupations demand it, such as police officers and martial arts practitioners.
It has taken on particular meaning for military personnel. In 2010, the Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., commissioned a study testing the efficacy of CrossFit to improve soldier fitness. Over six weeks the 14 athletes in the study averaged a 20 percent increase in physical fitness level, with one participant increasing fitness level by 41 percent.
The study also noted the growing interest in CrossFit among military personnel, with more than 58 nonprofit military CrossFit affiliates in place at the time. That number continues to grow.
But adding CrossFit to a military facility requires some thought as well as cooperation among patrons, staff and CrossFit professionals. Army Maj. James Uptgraft, one of the study’s authors and an operations officer for the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, is quick to recommend some focus areas when kicking off a CrossFit program:
CrossFit instructors must be well trained and certified.
“I think that there are two things that cause injuries with people who begin CrossFit: It’s bad trainers and it’s big egos,” Uptgraft says.
Mark Tolmachoff, an instructor at the Command and General Staff College who oversaw the Army study, agrees, noting that certified instructors are the cornerstones to a solid program.
“There’s a level of knowledge and expertise [and] they’re kind of like the watchdogs,” he says. “And when you get that core group of people who are certified and interested, they tend to generate interest from others."


The Steelers had a special tribute to the Veterans during their game on Sunday. Here are some of the comments from their top players.

William Gay: “There are a lot of people that won’t do what they do. They aren’t just protecting their own family; they are protecting the entire United States. I really respect their bravery and courage.”

Troy Polamalu: “They voluntarily sacrifice their lives to benefit and protect the ideals of our country and our freedom. You can’t even put into words how much I appreciate them.”

With the blazing sun shining on the gathered guests Monday in Virginia, the President celebrated the near conclusion of the 12-year-old Operation Enduring Freedom - though a small band of U.S. troops, estimates suggest fewer than 10,000, will remain in Afghanistan after the end of the year. "Even though this time of war is coming to a close, our time of service to our newest veterans has only just begun," the President said.

All and all I just want to show my appreciation for our troops and the courage they display. Like many of you both of my grandparents served, so here is a special shout out to them and their dedicated service.

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Reebok Deals- 30% Off Friends & Family Sale

Reebok has great gear for all activities. Don't miss out on this sale. Great quality products, Reebok is my choice for shoes and all my CrossFit gear. Its reliable, comfortable and it gets the job done.

Time is almost running out on Reebok’s 30% Off Friends & Family Sale*! Use code FRIENDS to save with this perfect opportunity to get a jump start on our holiday shopping with one of the biggest sales Reebok.com will run in 2013. There are a ton of great deals to be found for men, women and kids, and for the best deals browse the Reebok Sale collection for 30% off already reduced items! The sale has some exclusions like Reebok CrossFit gear and custom shoes, but most of what you’ll find on the site is included. Don’t miss this great chance to save on awesome workout footwear and apparel from Reebok!

*Some exclusions apply: Reebok CrossFit gear, items with $.98 price endings and custom shoes are not included in this sale.

Showing the love for Reebok! 

Also you can click the link below for Reebok Gear: 

Friday, November 8, 2013

CrossFit…What Do You Need?

Shop Now Rogue Fitness

When you are just starting out in CrossFit or if you've been doing it for less then a year, here are some gear ideas that will help you get the most of your workouts. After going to the gym you will pick up on most of these things, but here is a jump start to get you going in the right direction so you are ready to go on day one. I'll touch on the basics of the types of gear you need and as you get more involved and experienced you can dive in a little deeper.

Here's my list below, but before anything you need to bring a good attitude. Most of the lifts are complicated and the WODs are tough. I'm learning everyday but I like the challenge. Strive to get a little better each day. Form is the most important, focus on having great form before you go up in weight.


I really believe in the CrossFit Shoes. I think they give you a true advantage. You can't wear any old shoe when you are performing the CrossFit movements especially on the rope climb. The CrossFit Nano 2.0 or even better the CrossFit Nano 3.0 will definitely give you an advantage coming out of the starting gates. This video below features Rich Froning, the three-time Fittest Man on Earth, further speaking to the benefits and features of the Reebok Nano 3.0.


All jump ropes are not the same. Having a good jump rope will make things a lot easier for you. While in CrossFit you will see DU (Double Unders) pop up fairly often in your WODS, DU are a great movement/skill and will take some time to perfect if you don't have them down but having the correct rope will definitely get you there faster. Double Under Problem Solved. Built with a six inch, rotating handle for sure grip, the Rogue SR-1 is capable of unbeatable speed. The bearing system allows for top-end revolutions and the coated cable adds speed and durability. It's built to last, the only thing that will break are your records. I Highly recommend this rope for any beginners. This rope is exactly what you are looking for.


There's no doubt you will be doing many pull-ups, Id say you may do more pull-ups then anything. With that being said your hands will take a beating. Chalk and Hand Grips will become your best friend. Although I own a pair I don't use them every time the WOD calls for pull-ups but they are nice to have when your hands need a break from the bar.
The perfect training aid to get through high rep WODs without tearing your hands. Use these for pull-ups, toes to bar, and any other movement that taxes your hands.

#4 Wrist Straps

Rogue Wrist Wraps offer the perfect amount of support for the Oly lifts, press and bench.
Sizing suggestions: Oly lifting 12" or 18" if you want your wrists to be mobile. Power lifting or strongman 18" or 24". The longer the strap the more support it provides. I use these pretty often, I feel you get great support when you are trying to go up in weight. These work great for overhead squat and I feel I get great support. These are definitely a must. You will be happy you bought them.


You need something to track your progress. Every time you do a lift or WOD you should be recording your weight and time. Some gyms for example have an app where you can log in everything after the workout, at Grandview we use a program called Wodify. It works perfect with my iPhone and Ipad. Its great because you can see the workout prior to going to the gym and it will keep track of all your past workouts. This is a great way to see if you are getting better. The only way to move forward and keep advancing is to know where you started and what you lifted previously. If your gym doesn't have an app available then you need to keep track of everything yourself in a log book. 


Protect your shins. I use these every time we have a rope climbing session. You need some protection when you are going up and down the rope as fast as possible. I own both Shin Skins and high socks. I think they are both comfortable, I like wearing high socks even when they aren't called for.
Rope climbs, dead lifts, cleans and snatches can be hard on your shins (so hard that some athletes develop staph infections). Built with UV protective 3mm of hi-tech neoprene and breathable 10-24 Lycra, Shin Skins protect and serve. They’re light-weight and slightly compressive, yet offer the ultimate in protection.
Rope climbs
Cleans and snatches
Box Jumps
If your calves are 15" or smaller use the S/M size
If your calves are 15" or larger use the L/XL size

Shop Now Rogue Fitness

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Improve Your Sales Hit The GYM…and don't forget to laugh

Did you know? Medical studies show that laughter boosts levels of endorphins, the body's "feel-good" hormones. Laughter may even boost the immune system. A good attitude and exercising your sense of humor may reduce stress, lower depression and help your body and mind to heal. As Groucho Marx said, "A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast."

Refresh your mind and body and hit the gym or go for a run, doing so will help you become more energized and focused throughout the day. Working out increases your mood which will in return will boast your sales. You will feel more confident and will be more apt to build better relationships. The better you feel the more people you will talk too.
Exercise during the workday improves job performance, British research has shown.
A study by Jim McKenna from the University of Bristol showed that after exercising, participants returned to work more tolerant of themselves and more forgiving of their colleagues. Their work performance was also consistently higher, as shown by better time management and improved mental sharpness.
Researchers expected that midday exercise would enhance mood. But the boosts in productivity surprised them, proving that workplace exercise programs benefit more than just the workers—they give companies more efficient employees who work better together. Health care costs can be expected to go down for employees who exercise regularly at work, resulting in fewer sick days, better attendance and more cooperation between co-workers. (Sparkpeople.com)
Action Sparked
If your employer offers onsite exercise facilities, start using them as often as you can. If you don’t have a gym at your office, join a local fitness club. See if your employer will help pay your membership fees—many clubs offer discounts to co-workers who join together. At the very least, bring along your walking shoes and take a heart-pumping walk instead of going out for a high-calorie lunch. After all, taking time to exercise could translate into higher pay if your job performance improves as a result.

Take a break get a laugh in…….

Gotta love Will Ferrell, I still laugh every time I watch this. Very Talented. I could post hundreds of videos.

Check this out, from market watch.com. If you're not working out, you will now.

If it’s any motivation for workers, the study suggests time at the gym pays for itself, and then some.

Workers who exercise regularly earn 9% higher pay on average than those who don’t, according to a study published in the June issue of the Journal of Labor Research.

Past studies have linked exercise with higher earnings, but the direction of cause and effect wasn’t clear. If gym-goers are more disciplined than their slothful coworkers, they might earn higher pay simply because they’re better workers, not because they exercise.

In an effort to cut through the confusion, Vasilios Kosteas of Cleveland State University, the study’s author, used a statistical technique called propensity-score matching. The idea is to score each study subject on whether they fit the profile of someone who exercises, based on factors like age, education level, and whether he or she played sports in high school.

By comparing subjects with similar scores, only some of whom exercise, Mr. Kosteas says his study indicates that exercise leads to higher earnings — although he also says follow-up studies are needed to know for sure.

Exercise has been shown in other studies to boost mental function and energy levels and improve mood. In that respect, it’s possible that it makes workers more valuable to employer

Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

Head to YourReebok today to design a custom pair of the Reebok CrossFit® Nano Speed shoes and crush your workout with style like no other!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Get Creative With Your Workout on Halloween

Every now and then it's good to do something totally different for your workout…and I mean TOTALLY different.
SkyRobics was the choice for today. Everybody I'm sure has jumped on a trampoline at some point in their life but have you dedicated it to an official workout? I never knew this style of workout existed. SkyRobics will showcase your balance and agility skills as well as your core strength. I went with a group of gymnasts so I'll leave it at that. It was a good break up from your normal routine. I think one of the main benefits to this style of workout is that it's low impact. If you are currently doing a lot of running or pounding on your feet, this will be a good change to give your feet a rest and still get a pretty decent workout. I've seen a few different workouts on line after researching SkyRobics and they can get fairly intense, it just depends on your instructor and how advance you want to get.
Here's the break down of the workout I went through:  When you arrive you will get your own set of grip socks or shoes, go through a jumping warm up, then start you workout.  The instructor had the workout set up similar to insanity, continuous exercise, doing a different movement in each jump space (8 total). Lastly, we finished with suicides on the trampoline which is a lot harder then it seems. Definitely different then running on flat ground. All and all if you are looking to get a good sweat in you will.

Did you ever think it was possible to burn up to 1,000 calories per hour and still have FUN doing it? With SkyRobics, that is now a reality.
SkyRobics is low impact and combines advanced calisthenics, core exercise and strength building aerobics, all done on our patented, all-trampoline, walled playing courts. SkyRobics is one of the most dynamic, effective and intense workouts you can have, while being fun and easy on your joints. Those at any level of physical fitness will reap the physical and mental benefits of this revolutionary workout.

-Check out these videos below of some different movements performed at Sky Zone- 

Professional athletes including basketball players, ultimate fighters and gymnasts have already discovered the benefits of the intense cross training cardio movement that Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park offers. For years, fitness professionals have demonstrated the positive effects derived from exercising on alternative surfaces. Our trampolines work all primary muscle groups while engaging muscles not stimulated by traditional exercise. It is the ultimate core training experience.