Saturday, September 28, 2013

It Doesn’t Get Easier, It Just Sucks Less

Good technique will take you a long way when you are dealing with CrossFit WODS. The more efficient you are and the better technique you have, the better you will be.....its as simple as that! It doesn't mean the workouts are easier, they just suck less :)
I focused on the snatch in the picture because thats what we did at our gym yesterday (CrossFit Gandview home of the 2010 CrossFit Games champion). I think the Snatch is one of the more difficult movements performed in CrossFit. I can can tell my form has gotten better because I can do unbroken sets which makes a difference in the WOD. It took some time to get down the form and I'm STILL perfecting it, but my point is I was always strong enough but I was missing the technique. Efficiency in your technique will go a long way. Practice moving lighter loads first then move up in weight. #PerfectPractice

I pulled this excerpt from an article written by Larry Palazzolo Delaware Valley Xfit. The longer you immerse yourself in the suck, the less it sucks. You get stronger, build a greater aerobic capacity, and become mentally tough. All of these aspects, combined with experience, allow you to know when to push yourself and when to back off, so that you can attack each workout to the best of your ability. Soon, you’ll come to love the beat downs. Much like Kevin Bacon in Animal House, you’ll be screaming, “Thank you sir! May I have another?” Well, maybe not. But you get the point (Larry
Heres a link to the article:
I think this is a great article and will give you valuable information especially if you are new to CrossFit.

Check out the video below: Rich Froning performing 300 # SNATCH. (watch his form!)
"I missed 290, but I knew it was just because of technique, and not strength, and I knew I could get 300," Rich Froning said after snatching 300 pounds.

Get Active and Stay active. Leave your workouts getting a little better each time. Don't worry about your weight, get the technique down first. Check your ego at the door.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Stay Fit and Healthy Without Excuses

Pic from

It's FRIDAY! A 1 hour workout is just 4% of your day. Everything is about progress. Find an activity or activities you like doing and stick to it. Make it a habit and push yourself. You might just start to feel better :)

My blog was featured in the Young Journalist Independent and Trusted Reviewer. Check out the article here.
Stay Fit and Healthy Without Excuses

Exercise decreases the stress hormones such as cortisol and increases endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural feel good chemicals, and when they are released through exercise, your mood is boosted naturally. As well endorphins, exercise also releases adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine. These chemicals work together to make you feel good.
Endorphins are defined as hormone-like substances that are produced in the brain and function as the body’s natural painkillers. During exercise, these endorphins are released, and this can produce feelings of euphoria and a general state of well being. The endorphins produced can be so powerful that they actually mask pain. Physically active people recover from mild depression more quickly and physical activity is strongly correlated with good mental health as people age (

It's also important to note you need to be smart when it comes to exercising, if you are hurt or injured make sure you get a full recovery before you get back at it. It's never fun to be injured and try to train at the same time. Also a rest day or day off can be beneficial to your workouts. This is very important....A day off will let your body recharge physically and mentally. Trust me on this one, if you workout regularly you will feel like a new person after your rest day. Just don't turn your rest day into days on end and weeks.

 "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time." Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was considered instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.

Below are some good excerpts I pulled from WebMD.
People who exercise regularly "make it a habit," says Hill, who is director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado, Denver. "They haven't bought any more time during the day than anyone else. What we've done is prioritize it. We find time for things we value."
"There's an exercise for everyone," says Recascino. "It doesn't have to be onerous or unpleasant."
If it makes exercise more enjoyable for you, it's OK to watch TV or read while you're on the exercise bike or treadmill -- just don't forget to pedal or run.

Kick start your training with the right supplements and start the 90 Day Fitness Challenge which is ranked #1 in North America. Click here to get started: I'm Ready, Lets Do This!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Four Reasons You Should Consider CrossFit Training

It’s no secret that CrossFit training is one of the latest and greatest developments in the world of fitness and athletic training. However, with so many marketing buzzwords being tossed around, a surprising number of people are unaware of some of the basic reasons this type of training has become so popular so quickly. Here are four big ones:

· Your Body Gets Fitter Faster – Because these routines are based around high intensity interval training, you are able to pack more benefits into each minute spent working out, compared to traditional exercise methods.

· Access to Support and Training Resources – CrossFit gyms (called ‘boxes’ by the community) are incredibly rich resource centers for those interested in getting more involved with a regular training regimen. Coaches are knowledgeable and there are many different class times to choose from.

· It’s Fun – Simply put, CrossFit training is considered more fun by many people than traditional exercises. You’ll also find that most people in the community are extremely nice, so you’ll likely make a few friends on your journey to better health as well. I know at my gym I've met a lot of friendly cool people.

And last but DEFINITELY not least.....

Yep you guessed it....Body Control

· Better Body Control - CrossFit will improve your body awareness, body control, flexibility,coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. Improved body control and awareness WILL improve overall athletic ability. 
Many members have heard the terms Hollow Position and Proprioception on a regular basis concerning gymnastics.
Hollow position is an extremely common position that transfers over to almost every movement we perform in CrossFit. If you are unfamiliar to the hollow position, please watch this video
Hollow Rock Video  It is the safest, strongest, most balanced position your body can be in while performing handstands, pull ups, push ups, overhead press, etc. Mastery of this movement through conscious thought and application will show great benefit to your overall strength, mobility, and performance. (Hynes Paradiso Xfit)

CrossFit ION

As you can see, CrossFit programs have a serious leg up on several other different exercise regimens. However, you should remember that while many people see great benefits from these programs, high impact workouts are not for everyone and you should consult your doctor before beginning any new fitness regimen. One last point to take away is that CrossFit is a marathon not a sprint in terms of the technique. Some of the movements will take some time to perfect so work on your form first then move up in weight as you get more comfortable. The last thing you want to do is get injured. Once you have the hang of things then it's game on full steam ahead! Hit it hard!

Get your FLIP on....

*Get your flip on and jump right in, lets get started*

90 Day Weight Loss & Fitness Challenge!!

BODY BY VI! Join My Team and Start the 90 Day VI Challenge!!

Sign up here:

The biggest threat to our health, and the health of future generations, is hiding in the shadows. It’s time to face it. ViSalus leads the way, providing a platform for people to come together and fight obesity head-on. With good nutrition as our foundation and a powerful social network as our mobilizer, we’re committed to providing a real solution to this growing global epidemic. Big companies helped create this problem; we’ve challenged ourselves to be the company and community that helps solve it.

Making the world healthier starts with making people healthier. Combining good nutrition, education and our passionate Promoter network, ViSalus is committed to fighting the biggest threat to our physical well-being and the fastest-growing cause of preventable death—obesity.

It’s a mission that starts with one. Then it grows into many—touching and transforming millions more lives by educating, inspiring, motivating and sharing the success of healthy living with others. From our company, throughout our communities, and over borders—a healthy world begins with one.

Have a bad day at work??.... Well, flip your desk, head to the gym and start the 90 Day Challenge. What else are you supposed to do?! :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sunday, Sept 22 First Day of Autumn Great Training Weather

The FALL...Great time of the year to train, bust your A** before the snow comes and develop good habits going into the winter months. While others are slacking you can turn up the heat. The stronger you are, the better you feel. Heres my tribute to the fall season. Sunday, September 22The First Day of Autumn (Autumnal Equinox) 2013 Yesterday was the first day of Fall! This is one of the best times of the year and definitely one of my favorites. College football is just starting to heat up, MLB teams are starting to clinch, as they say "The hunt for October" and hockey season is right around the corner.

The fall weather is great for running or biking, great scenery with the leaves changing, Oktoberfest beer and of course pumpkin flavored coffee....yeah I had to throw that in the mix. It's also worth noting why the leaves change in the fall, so if you don't know now you know..... :)

Chlorophyll gives leaves their green color throughout the growing season. The compound is essential for photosynthesis, a chemical reaction that converts sunlight into carbohydrates.
Leaves also contain carotenoids. These natural pigments, which produce yellow, orange, and brown hues in plants, from buttercups to carrots, are always present.
The colors of carotenoids are easily masked by green chlorophyll, at least until shrinking daylight and a nip in the air signal fall's arrival. At that time broadleaf plants slow and eventually stop their chlorophyll production, thus revealing the distinctive golden, orange, and yellow hues of carotenoid pigments (National Geographic News). Look a little closer next time you are running outside enjoy the scenery and let it inspire your workout.

Here's a picture below from late Sunday afternoon on my run. Temperature felt great, I was doing a sprint workout. In the Fall you can push yourself extra hard and you don't have to worry about heat exhastion like you do in the summer. Now that the weather is a little cooler use this time to work on your outdoor sprints. It is not so cold out that you can’t be outside without a heavy jacket, so use these last few weeks of cool weather to increase your lung capacity before you need to be weighed down by heavier clothing. Quoted from CrossFit Integrated Fitness

"For if you train hard and responsibly your confidence surges to a maximum"
-Floyd Patterson

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Start your day off right...don't skip the COFFEE

There's nothing better then a cup of coffee in the morning or before your workout. I actually look forward to my cup of coffee the night before, it helps me get out of bed in the morning and not to mention there are some benefits to that morning cup of java...good to know.
One of the most effective pre-workout drinks might surprise you, and you won’t find it on the shelves of your local supplement store. You don’t have to scoop it out of a bottle with a flashy label and mix it with water. All you have to do is swing by a coffee shop and get a cup of America’s favorite drink, minus the cream and sugar. Downing a cup of Joe before your workout provides more than just an added energy boost—there are a whole slew of health benefits that come along with it. (Parker Cote ISSA, CFT)

Caffeine is the most widely used substance on the planet. Are there health benefits from caffeine or is most of the world just poisoning themselves? We’ve dug through our archives and put together a list of some of the possible caffeine health benefits according to different studies that have been conducted over the years. (Energyfiend)

Caffeinated Coffee Health Benefits

-Caffeinated coffee cuts mouth and throat cancer risk by 50%.
-Coffee can reduce risk of stroke as much as 22%.
-Shown to reduce the risk of several types of cancer.
-Heart rhythm disturbance hospitalizations decrease with coffee drinkers.
-Coffee decreases risk of type 2 diabetes.
-Caffeinated Coffee may help with weight loss. Research out of Melbourne, Australia is finding that study participants are reporting decreased appetite when drinking regular coffee as opposed to decaf or caffeine tablets as part of an ongoing study.
-People who drink at least 4 coffees or teas have lower blood pressure according to a new study out of Paris. Tea drinkers had the most blood pressure benefit, while coffee drinkers had just slightly less.
Research out of Greece shows that Greek boiled coffee may increase longevity and heart health.

It also states benefits of caffeine, it's a pretty good read..... I pulled a paragraph from the article which I posted below. There are benefits of coffee but moderation is the key.
It's surprising when something that was once considered questionable for your health turns out to have health benefits, usually with the proviso to use it “in moderation.” That happened with chocolate and alcohol, and now it is coffee’s turn. Study findings from 2004 and 2005 suggest coffee might actually be good for us. However, coffee hasn’t been completely exonerated.
Coffee contains antioxidants that may offer some cardiovascular protection, and research is showing that it reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes, which is itself a major heart disease risk factor. But it also increases homocysteine levels and may have negative effects on the aorta. In general, when a risk factor has been carefully studied and the results flip back and forth.

The link below is a forum a recommend. 
This is a natural health forum about vitamins, supplements, nutrition, exercise. The more knowledge you can acquire the more you will benefit yourself and others. Knowledge is power. 

Check out for other great products

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Combine your training with VISALUS supplements

Train Insane Or Remain The Same

Rich Froning CrossFit #1 in the world

Great quote, I just saw it the other day and it couldn't be more true "Train Insane Or Remain The Same" In order to get better you need to train hard and train hard consistently....most of us already know this. Training combined with a motivating supplement regimen is even better. Visalus is the perfect combination to aid in you training regimen. They have everything needed to fit your training goals, the products taste amazing and you have a great support system that may be most important to your success.

ViSalus is the company behind the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge, the fastest growing health Challenge in North America! #ViLife

I wake up early and make a VI shake (ice, almond milk, PB, banana,VI mix) I love the taste and it keeps me full throughout the morning. You can mix whatever you choose into your shake. The VI mix is low in calories so that gives you the ability to create your own shake.....although the shake by itself taste great too. Visalus has an array of other products to fit your needs. I just recently had the cereal and it taste amazing. It's the new addition to their arsenal.....a healthy shake or cereal in the am, it's up to you. Start your day off right. The company promotes the 90 day challenge and its a great way to jump right in and get started. Its currently the #1 fitness/health challenge in North America so they know what they are doing. You will get your own log in on their website and will be able to enter your goals and track them as you progress through the 90 days. There's no better time to start then now. Sign up is very easy and will only take a few minutes.


Studies have shown that you’re more likely to have success towards any health goal when you’ve got others by your side. The Challenge helps you do this by giving you your Challenge Kit for free each month when you help at least 3 friends join the Challenge with you. What’s better than getting fit for free?!? 

Get Active and Stay Active

Me Ice Climbing in Utah

Tough Mudder Team in Michigan
Working out at XFIT Grandview

Friday, September 13, 2013

ViSalus Come join the team!

Start the challenge!! Push yourself! 

It's fun, tastes great, great support, and you will feel better striving for your goal. Get Active and Stay Active!!!

Take the Challenge

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Coordination and Agility....don't lose it

When I think of some of the top attributes athletes should have Coordination and Agility are right up there, if not the most important. In CrossFit a lot of emphasis is placed on strength and performing certain Olympic lift movements which is great but you can not forget about your agility skills, especially if you are training for a sport. CrossFit will make you stronger and get you in SUPERB shape don't get me wrong, Im referring more towards athletes training for a specific sport where agility and coordination are crucial. On the flip side, the more agile you become and the more coordination you posess will make some of the CrossFit lifts more manageable (i.e. the snatch and the overhead squat). Bottom line you can't go wrong  with continuously improving upon your coordination and agility.

1. the power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness: exercises demanding agility.
2. the ability to think and draw conclusions quickly; intellectual acuity.

Double Unders and box jumps are good for agility, which we do on occasions at CrossFit, but in order to perform at the highest level in your sport you need to be incorporating more speed and agility drills in your training regimen on a daily/weekly basis. Top college programs across the country look for these skills as they recruit athletes coming out of high school. The NBA and NFL make potential draft picks perform a series of agility drills before they spend the big bucks on their prospects..... there is a great deal of respect placed on athletes with extreme coordination and agility.

Baseball is another example of extreme eye hand coordination and agility. It takes a great deal of coordination and concentration to hit a ball moving 90 mph with a bat and I'm not even talking about curveballs and sliders, which makes things even more difficult. As a shortstop or second baseman you need to have great quickness and agility to get to a ball in the hole, set your feet and throw runner out at first........or even better a behind the back flip double play. Mad Skills
Check this out!

Here are a few agility drills that you can incorporate into your workouts:

1. Lateral Plyometric Jumps
2. Shuttle Runs
3. Speed Ladder Agility Drills
4. Dot Drills
5. Plyometric Jump Box Drills
6. Plyometric Agility Hurdles
7. Change of Direction Sprinting
8. Tuck Jumps
9. Stair Running
10. Drills for your specific sport (i.e. ball handling, throwing, taking grounders)


Classic Reebok Shoes & Apparel

Join the 90 Day Challenge by ViSalus (VI)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Stretching improves performace

There are many benefits of stretching but the key is you have to do it regularly. Stretching improves performance in athletic tests, but only if the stretching is done regularly (Shrier). You may not be the most flexible person initially but like anything the more you do it the better you will become. Most people know to do some type of warm-up before they exercise but the most important thing to remember is always stretch after your activity. Also worth noting is when you do stretch make sure you do it after some type of warm up. It's not a good idea to stretch cold muscles. 

Defined: Stretching is a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon (or muscle group) is deliberately flexed or stretched in order to improve the muscle's felt elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone. The result is a feeling of increased muscle control, flexibility and range of motion. Stretching is also used therapeutically to alleviate cramps.

Stretching before and after exercise is one of my favorite things to do. Not only does it feel great but it's also a form of mental meditation and a great cool down. Stretching will also help to decrease activity based injuries and help reduce muscle soreness the following day. When you stetch post workout you decrease the build-up of latic acid in the muscles. After an intense workout muscles need to repair themselves and realign. When you stretch a muscle, tension in the fiber increases, aligning the disorganized tissue in the same line-- like when you pull on a wrinkled shirt. In addition, it keeps blood flowing and tendons flexible (ask men). 

Listed below is some important stretching information from the MayoClinic. Some of the best athletes are also flexible so make sure you incorporate stretching into your regimen. 

Stretching essentials

Before you plunge into stretching, make sure you do it safely and effectively. While you can stretch anytime, anywhere — in your home, at work, in a hotel room or at the park — you want to be sure to use proper technique. Stretching incorrectly can actually do more harm than good.

Use these tips to keep stretching safe:
Don't consider stretching a warm-up. You may hurt yourself if you stretch cold muscles. So before stretching, warm up with light walking, jogging or biking at low intensity for five to 10 minutes. Or better yet, stretch after you exercise when your muscles are warmed up. Also, consider holding off on stretching before an intense activity, such as sprinting or track and field activities. Some research suggests that pre-event stretching before these types of events may actually decrease performance.

Focus on major muscle groups. When you're stretching, focus on your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders. Also stretch muscles and joints that you routinely use at work or play. And make sure that you stretch both sides. For instance, if you stretch your left hamstring, be sure to stretch your right hamstring, too.

Don't bounce. Bouncing as you stretch can cause small tears in the muscle. These tears leave scar tissue as the muscle heals, which tightens the muscle even further, making you less flexible and more prone to pain. So, hold each stretch for about 30 seconds. Repeat each stretch three or four times.

Don't aim for pain. Expect to feel tension while you're stretching, not pain. If it hurts, you've pushed too far. Back off to the point where you don't feel any pain, then hold the stretch.

Make stretches sport specific. Some evidence suggests that it's helpful to do stretches tailored for your sport or activity. If you play soccer, for instance, you're more vulnerable to hamstring strains. So opt for stretches that help your hamstrings.

Keep up with your stretching. Stretching can be time-consuming. But you can achieve the best benefits by stretching regularly, at least two to three times a week. If you don't stretch regularly, you risk losing any benefits that stretching offered. For instance, if stretching helped you increase your range of motion, and you stop stretching, your range of motion may decrease again.

Bring movement into your stretching. Gentle movement can help you be more flexible in specific movements. The gentle movements of tai chi, for instance, may be a good way to stretch. And if you're going to perform a specific activity, such as a front kick in martial arts, do the move slowly and at low intensity at first to get your muscles used to it. Then speed up gradually as your muscles become accustomed to the motion.

Try the 90 day challenge by VI, #1 shake in North America, great support and its fun!

Monday, September 2, 2013

What to do if you don't like running....or think you don't

Well, no matter how you slice it you will need to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your workouts. I know not everyone enjoys distance running but there are other options that will benefit you. Moreover, you might just find out you do enjoy running more then you think. In athletics you need to run, no matter what sport you participate in. It will help your performance......Although, I remember when I was younger I wasn't to keen on just going out for a run but as I grew more knowledgeable and realized the benefits of running I learned to really truly enjoy it. 

Cardio, for some it's a dreaded word and for others it's a passion they can't get enough of. Either way you look at it though, cardiovascular exercise is one of the key components that should never be left out of a fitness plan. - Shannon Clack (

Everyone knows that running is a great way to get into shape, but did you know that it can benefit almost every part of your body, as well as lift your mood? Running is incredibly effective at making you healthier in a number of ways. While it may not be everybody's favorite form of exercise, knowing what it can do for our life just may make you look at running in an entirely new light. - Jacquie Cattanach (Active)

DEFINED: According to the American College of Sports Medicine, cardio, or cardiovascular exercise, is any activity that increases heart rate and respiration while using large muscle groups repetitively and rhythmically. The root word "card," or "heart," provides a clue as to why this type of exercise is so important (Livestrong)

Sprints are a great way to increase your hear rate. If you do sprints you will be sure to reap the benefits. I like to jog to get warmed up, usually to an open parking lot or where ever you choose then I will stretch for 5 minutes then bust out some sprints. In between sprints I like to do air squats, push ups or walk around till the next sprint. This keeps your heart rate elevated, interval training is very beneficial. Running clears your mind. In between sets you can meditate, come up with new ideas, and think about work and what you need to accomplish.

Trail Running

Trail running is great it takes your mind of actually running. Now not everyone has mountains and breath taking scenery but I'm sure you can find some kind of trail to run on. The point is to run somewhere different. If you can find a hilly path that is your best bet. Switch off between jogging and sprinting. 

Incline Runinng

Incline running. This is one of my all time favorites. Find a hill, stairs, mountain or anything with a decent incline, start at the bottom then sprint to the top. This will get your heart rate way up. You won't be running as fast as a sprint due to the incline but that doesn't mean you aren't trying too. This is also a great leg work out. If you want some added resistance wear a weighted vest.

Last but definitely not least is CrossFit. These workouts build strength and are very similar to interval training. We never do long distance runs but what we will do on occasions is perform a lift then sprint a 400 or 800 and do X number of rounds of that. Another exercise we incorporate into the workouts is rowing, this also is a great movement that will raise your heart rate. Even better is when you incorporate rowing and sprinting into the same workout.

These are a few great ways that will help you get out and run, without really seeming like you are running. Running is a great way to clear your mind and get focused. It's a form of meditation for some people, and for most it will create a "runners high."It's also worth noting there are other ways to get your cardio in, for instance activities like biking, stair stepper, and the elliptical but I wanted to incorporate exercises that had some form of running to them. The examples I listed above (sprints, trail running, Incline running, CrossFit) will help you see results much faster and if you can do them you will see the benefits. Running/Sprints is also a great way to stay lean. The calorie expenditure can get up pretty high when you push yourself.....but again like we all know one of the most important aspects is your diet. If you are busy, HIIT cardio it's very effective at helping you burn more calories and drop body fat. - Marc Perry, CSCS, CPT

This is a great article that emphasizes the benefits of running:

Get all the products you need for your workouts, and start your 90 day challenge today! Learn more click below 

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