Thursday, November 7, 2013

Improve Your Sales Hit The GYM…and don't forget to laugh

Did you know? Medical studies show that laughter boosts levels of endorphins, the body's "feel-good" hormones. Laughter may even boost the immune system. A good attitude and exercising your sense of humor may reduce stress, lower depression and help your body and mind to heal. As Groucho Marx said, "A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast."

Refresh your mind and body and hit the gym or go for a run, doing so will help you become more energized and focused throughout the day. Working out increases your mood which will in return will boast your sales. You will feel more confident and will be more apt to build better relationships. The better you feel the more people you will talk too.
Exercise during the workday improves job performance, British research has shown.
A study by Jim McKenna from the University of Bristol showed that after exercising, participants returned to work more tolerant of themselves and more forgiving of their colleagues. Their work performance was also consistently higher, as shown by better time management and improved mental sharpness.
Researchers expected that midday exercise would enhance mood. But the boosts in productivity surprised them, proving that workplace exercise programs benefit more than just the workers—they give companies more efficient employees who work better together. Health care costs can be expected to go down for employees who exercise regularly at work, resulting in fewer sick days, better attendance and more cooperation between co-workers. (
Action Sparked
If your employer offers onsite exercise facilities, start using them as often as you can. If you don’t have a gym at your office, join a local fitness club. See if your employer will help pay your membership fees—many clubs offer discounts to co-workers who join together. At the very least, bring along your walking shoes and take a heart-pumping walk instead of going out for a high-calorie lunch. After all, taking time to exercise could translate into higher pay if your job performance improves as a result.

Take a break get a laugh in…….

Gotta love Will Ferrell, I still laugh every time I watch this. Very Talented. I could post hundreds of videos.

Check this out, from market If you're not working out, you will now.

If it’s any motivation for workers, the study suggests time at the gym pays for itself, and then some.

Workers who exercise regularly earn 9% higher pay on average than those who don’t, according to a study published in the June issue of the Journal of Labor Research.

Past studies have linked exercise with higher earnings, but the direction of cause and effect wasn’t clear. If gym-goers are more disciplined than their slothful coworkers, they might earn higher pay simply because they’re better workers, not because they exercise.

In an effort to cut through the confusion, Vasilios Kosteas of Cleveland State University, the study’s author, used a statistical technique called propensity-score matching. The idea is to score each study subject on whether they fit the profile of someone who exercises, based on factors like age, education level, and whether he or she played sports in high school.

By comparing subjects with similar scores, only some of whom exercise, Mr. Kosteas says his study indicates that exercise leads to higher earnings — although he also says follow-up studies are needed to know for sure.

Exercise has been shown in other studies to boost mental function and energy levels and improve mood. In that respect, it’s possible that it makes workers more valuable to employer

Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam after a stressful day? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

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