Saturday, September 21, 2013

Start your day off right...don't skip the COFFEE

There's nothing better then a cup of coffee in the morning or before your workout. I actually look forward to my cup of coffee the night before, it helps me get out of bed in the morning and not to mention there are some benefits to that morning cup of java...good to know.
One of the most effective pre-workout drinks might surprise you, and you won’t find it on the shelves of your local supplement store. You don’t have to scoop it out of a bottle with a flashy label and mix it with water. All you have to do is swing by a coffee shop and get a cup of America’s favorite drink, minus the cream and sugar. Downing a cup of Joe before your workout provides more than just an added energy boost—there are a whole slew of health benefits that come along with it. (Parker Cote ISSA, CFT)

Caffeine is the most widely used substance on the planet. Are there health benefits from caffeine or is most of the world just poisoning themselves? We’ve dug through our archives and put together a list of some of the possible caffeine health benefits according to different studies that have been conducted over the years. (Energyfiend)

Caffeinated Coffee Health Benefits

-Caffeinated coffee cuts mouth and throat cancer risk by 50%.
-Coffee can reduce risk of stroke as much as 22%.
-Shown to reduce the risk of several types of cancer.
-Heart rhythm disturbance hospitalizations decrease with coffee drinkers.
-Coffee decreases risk of type 2 diabetes.
-Caffeinated Coffee may help with weight loss. Research out of Melbourne, Australia is finding that study participants are reporting decreased appetite when drinking regular coffee as opposed to decaf or caffeine tablets as part of an ongoing study.
-People who drink at least 4 coffees or teas have lower blood pressure according to a new study out of Paris. Tea drinkers had the most blood pressure benefit, while coffee drinkers had just slightly less.
Research out of Greece shows that Greek boiled coffee may increase longevity and heart health.

It also states benefits of caffeine, it's a pretty good read..... I pulled a paragraph from the article which I posted below. There are benefits of coffee but moderation is the key.
It's surprising when something that was once considered questionable for your health turns out to have health benefits, usually with the proviso to use it “in moderation.” That happened with chocolate and alcohol, and now it is coffee’s turn. Study findings from 2004 and 2005 suggest coffee might actually be good for us. However, coffee hasn’t been completely exonerated.
Coffee contains antioxidants that may offer some cardiovascular protection, and research is showing that it reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes, which is itself a major heart disease risk factor. But it also increases homocysteine levels and may have negative effects on the aorta. In general, when a risk factor has been carefully studied and the results flip back and forth.

The link below is a forum a recommend. 
This is a natural health forum about vitamins, supplements, nutrition, exercise. The more knowledge you can acquire the more you will benefit yourself and others. Knowledge is power. 

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